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Conférence PMI France : "Neurodiversity: What science reveals about leading multicultural teams"

Conférence organisée par PMI France, en partenariat avec l'ISM, et animée par Samad Aidane, consultant en management interculturel, sur le thème "Neurodiversity: What science reveals about leading multicultural teams", le mardi 28 mars prochain à Guyancourt.

PMI France, branche Paris Ile-de-France, pôle Yvelines, organise, en partenariat avec l'ISM, une conférence le 28 mars prochain dans les locaux de l'UVSQ. L'occasion pour les participants d'assister à l'intervention de Samad Aidane, consultant en management interculturel, sur le thème "Neurodiversity: What science reveals about leading multicultural teams".

In today’s increasingly diverse and multicultural business environment, organizations require leaders who can effectively work and lead in an increasingly diverse, multicultural, and international workplace. Samad will provide an understanding of the key insights emerging from the latest research on cultural intelligence and their application to leading and working in multicultural teams.

The presentation draws from evidence-based insights from the growing body of research in cognitive and social neuroscience demonstrating the substantial degree to which culture influences how the brain processes information.
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